
Showing posts from February, 2013

Power button doesn't work; Can only run by jumping power pads on AC power

this 1 gonna long , complicated. half typing out myself - figure things out in middle of long posts these... anyway important information - macbook pro "core 2 duo" 2.8 17" mid-2009 5,2 a1297 - upgraded ssd , 8gb ram - running fresh install of el capitan on formatted samsung 250gb ssd - dug original hd working version of yosemite symptoms - power button not function whether device on or off. - keyboard has partial functionality. shift keys , function keys not seem work. caps lock still works. option, cmd, , control seem work. can use keyboard in boot sequence various things choosing boot device. - trackpad tracks movement not click (old issue @ 1 point seemed resolve itself, back. unrelated). - turning device on jumping power pads next ram. - if ac connected, device boots or without battery installed. - if using battery, device gets 2 seconds past chime before powering off - if ac unplugged after successful boot battery installed...

apple gift cards and phone trade in for X

question, how pre order work when buying new phone? have 2 apple gift cards $200 each on them , have 6plus trade in told can $200 verizon. order site allow put 2 apple gift cards down payment on phone? , how trade in work? have wait till new phone , go store , credit account price of trade in? if have remaining balance of few hundred dollars after apple cards , can put balance 24 month payment option monthly bill?   elykoj said: ā†‘ question, how pre order work when buying new phone? have 2 apple gift cards $200 each on them , have 6plus trade in told can $200 verizon. order site allow put 2 apple gift cards down payment on phone? , how trade in work? have wait till new phone , go store , credit account price of trade in? if have remaining balance of few hundred dollars after apple cards , can put balance 24 month payment option monthly bill? click exp...

Do you notice a difference in battery drain when charging wirelessly vs. from a cable?

is thing? or in head? noticed on note 8 perhaps drains less when i've charged via cable vs when it's been charged wirelessly. i'm thinking makes no sense because regardless of charging method, battery still holds same amount? either way, i'm not complaining battery life on thing. it's such great phone , i'm impressed , happy battery life! has observed this?   no, havenā€™t noticed difference. @ home use wireless charging on s8+ , on road use usb c direct charging. great battery life on s8+ either way.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applicatio...

Your last iPhone?

will there time when keep current iphone , not upgrade due current hardware limitations. i.e. desktop or laptop? though have 1st gen. macbook pro 15" touchbar, sync content on late 2013 macpro. newer iphones comes light os software version keeps getting higher , higher point iphone not compatible or sync. , cost keep buying new macs keep new iphone. do?   macs support longer iphones do, sincerely doubt problem. 2013 mac pro until @ least 2020, , itunes should updates longer if apple won't allow mac pro's os updated longer. reference, office computer 2008 mac pro - i'm stuck on 2-year-old el capitan (curses, apple) still has newest version of itunes , sync/recognize phone fine.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone ...

Keyboard Lag on iPhone 8

iā€™m getting bad keyboard lag on iphone 8. has else experienced this? phone literally freezes , itā€™s impossible type. issue in messages, safari, anywhere type.   there scattered reports of lagging on ios 11. there doesn't seem clear trend or reason why surmise ios 11 not snuff yet. data , try hard reset first , maybe full dfu restore see if helps. there are widespread reports of touch issues on iphone 6s , lesser extent, iphone 7 when have aftermarket screens installed. wouldn't affect directly. wrote blog post on last week, can go check out profile if you're curious. not breaking rules here saying that.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhon...

Getting back into Photography

hey guys, looking advice really... iā€™ve been out photography game while (around 8 or years), owned own business , did photography purely means earn money. running duel nikon d300ā€™s sold when closing business, including lot of equipment , imac. did retain range of lenses had acquired (including nikkor 24-70 2.8 or ā€œholy grailā€ known then, ā€œbig-maā€ sigma 50-500 , collection of mid-tier nikon telephoto/prime lenses). iā€™m looking take photography time purely hobby rather means income, since iā€™ve been out game long feel little lost in todayā€™s nikon range of camera bodies , can see industry seems have leaped forward since things d300 first launched. guess question is, decent offering todayā€™s lineup used ā€œenthusiastā€ level piece of kit?? or, better selling of ā€œlegacyā€ lenses , starting scratch opening door alternatives canon?? lot, xiii   unluckyxiii said: ā†‘ ...

Dock not auto-hiding

i cannot dock (which stays hidden @ bottom of screen) appear when move cursor bottom of screen since have updated high sierra. have tried quit , restart, remove/uninstall plug-ins (only 1 - cdock, plus re-enabled sip), , force-quit in activity monitor , in terminal, , nothing working. know might causing this?   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

High Sierra Has Killed my SSD

anyone else has issues update sierra high sierra? macbook no longer boot nor see ssd.   recovery mode friend.   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Jailbreakable iOS?

what highest/newest ios jailbreakable? 10.2 or maybe newer possible? there date list somewhere?   that's it.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

battery life iOS 11

how's battery life on ipad 10.5 on ios 11 ?   fine me. iā€™m on 10hrs 44% left , 29 hrs standby on ipad pro 10.5. no issues here   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 11 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone Apple Pay through iMessage on iOS 11 beta GM not working?

iā€™m on beta program , iā€™m running on iphone 7+. cant seem figure out how send money through apple pay people on imessage. not on gm? didnā€™t update today if final version.   it's not gonna out until fall. according apple's website.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 11 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Anyone else worried about dimness of iPhone X OLED?

galaxy note 8 seems have lot brighter screen iphone x. cause problems in sunlight. it's little bit problematic samsung uses best oled's own phones. think? lg come better oled's more competition? samsung galaxy note 8 oled 1240 nits. vs iphone x oled (made samsung?) 625 nits.   i have not slept in weeks worrying this.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 11 update

what best way of blocking updates on iphone , ipad don't want update ios 11 yet happy way devices @ minute. know tvos beta method there other way?   quit being old fart , accept new changes.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 11 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Edge to edge iMac/Apple display with true depth camera

some person on reddit mocked up: don't think used ugly notch on computer screen.   i don't know everyone's deal notch is. on iphone x beats bezels , on hypothetical imac aesthetic bonus of getting rid of "chin" , bezels far outweighs having live notch.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Blank lock screen on iOS public beta

i'm on latest ios public beta on iphone 7+ , lock screen blank, no clock or date. when notification screen lights nothing displayed. has else experienced this?   what beta build using?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 11 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Raid 0 with 2 SSDs in a 2013 27" iMac

hey everyone! i'm trying rid myself of noobie status. so, wondering if has ever attempted put 2 ssds in 27" 2013 imac. can done? have raid 0 set in 2011 imac move both drives 2013 imac. can double stick 2 drives , small enough fit in space taken hdd. have thermal sensor owc , know can sata power splitter, can 2 drives connected data ports? there 2 spots connect ssds logic board? appreciated. thank you!   rschiess said: ā†‘ hey everyone! i'm trying rid myself of noobie status. so, wondering if has ever attempted put 2 ssds in 27" 2013 imac. can done? have raid 0 set in 2011 imac move both drives 2013 imac. can double stick 2 drives , small enough fit in space taken hdd. have thermal sensor owc , know can sata power splitter, can 2 drives connected data ports? there 2 spots connect ssds logic board? appreciated. ...

Photos app - close without quitting?

the photos app seems app use regularly (other preview) quit entirely when closing main window. normal behaviour in macos when closing window app continue running in background, , i'm finding when close photos app forget quits app instead of closing (the behaviour have every other app use) , can frustrating @ times, when i'm waiting complete large library update or upload (closing window quits app, therefore cancelling update). best remember hide app (cmd+h) forget. there way change photos' behaviour when clicking red close button / closing main window?   "i best remember hide app (cmd+h) forget. there way change photos' behaviour when clicking red close button / closing main window?" far know, answer "no". if want photos "stay alive in background", have "hide" it.   Forums ...

Long screw damage - recommended repairers?

as title... looking comes recommended can repair long screw damage caused moron (that me) f***ing iphone 6 after replacing screen , putting incorrect screws in cover on screen ribbon connectors. there couple on ebay usual poor english , listings, looking recommendations, ideally cheap possible (not throwing money after bad) , based. no rush, due nature of damage doesn't work @ now. in advance, , apologies if in wrong forum. used them multiple times. great if can live without phone week.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes App...

2012 iMac - Sporadic Kernel Panics

i'm trying diagnose sporadic kernel panics late 2012 imac fusion drive. typically happens when machine has been left running awhile. return find has shut down. upon rebooting, i'm shown following screen. not sure start, or how diagnose problem.   is 27" imac? if so, have added ram? if so, have tried taking replacement ram -out-, , re-installing factory-original ram?   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPad 10.5 is my first tablet

hi there, can read title. ipad 10.5 tablet first tablet ever purchased. wanted use main device. cant. sad because enjoyed alot first 2 weeks nowadays grap windows laptop nonstop because alot more faster. not in mood grap tablet , surf web because slower (touchscreen vs mouse). use when im in bed before sleeping. wanted use main device ridicilous. thin laptop mouse way better. thing makes me enjoy tablet app store. how guys use main device? know can buy keyboard feel slow when browsing web. tried rdp sessions windows can use mouse graphical quality bad or window(resolution) doesnt fit entire screen annoys me alot. solution number1 problem? want make main device feel threw away money.   why browsing faster mouse? tap links, scroll finger, zoom 2 fingers ... don't see speed advantage of doing these things mouse instead?   ...

iMac stuck on boot during latest beta update

my mac stuck on update screen has apple logo, loading bar, , loading circle. occurred during update latest high sierra beta. ive attempted restart had no effect. ideas on how correct appreciated.   i ran myself yesterday. tried restarting in safe mode (wait chime, hold shift key until see apple , release) , reinstalling. no dice... when went through update told me can't install disk encrypting. never asked disk encrypted... when went system preferences , looked under filevault... said encrypting!!! of last night, disk had on day before going encrypted. i'll find out tonight...   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple...

High Sierra Beta 6 color problem on iMac 5K

hi, updated imac 27" 5k (late 2015) last macos high sierra beta 6 , colors messed up. inverted colors when activate option colors don't normal, more strange. same problem?   just installed on imac 27" 5k (late 2014) model , have no issues.   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Fennex ā€“ Augmented Hearing App

fennex ā€“ augmented hearing app fennexā„¢ hearing aid app provides augmented hearing turning apple headphones (earpods or airpods) personal hearing amplifier. firstly, take quick hearing test indicates hearing abilities. secondly, use hearing test results personalize hearing experience. thirdly, select listening scene (meeting, car, dining) or choose amplify , adjust sound in custom mode. fennex compatible wireless headphones apple airpods. key features: * volume boost: amplify sound around * balance: regulate volume of left , right speaker * compression: apply sound compression amplify or limit sounds * sound presence: keep or remove high/low-pitched sounds * equalizer: adapt treble, mid , bass sounds hearing preferences * conversation focus: select among 4 different microphones (iphone bottom or front, earphones built-in, external ā€“ e.g. airpods) link download:

You MUST update to 10.12.6 IMMEDIATELY!

i saw new sierra 10.12.6 , let sit few days. read through changes: safari 10.1.2 (for macos 10.12.6) webkit available for: os x yosemite 10.10.5, os x el capitan 10.11.6, , macos sierra 10.12.6 impact: processing maliciously crafted web content may lead arbitrary code execution description: multiple memory corruption issues addressed improved memory handling. cve-2017-7018: lokihardt of google project zero cve-2017-7020: likemeng of baidu security lab cve-2017-7030: chenqin of ant-financial light-year security lab (čš‚čšé‡‘ęœå·“ę–Æ光幓安å…Ø实éŖŒå®¤) cve-2017-7034: chenqin of ant-financial light-year security lab (čš‚čšé‡‘ęœå·“ę–Æ光幓安å…Ø实éŖŒå®¤) cve-2017-7037: lokihardt of google project zero cve-2017-7039: ivan fratric of google project zero cve-2017-7040: ivan fratric of google project zero cve-2017-7041: ivan fratric of google project zero cve-2017-7042: ivan fratric of google project zero cve-2017-7043: ivan fratric of google projec...

Apple Extends Free Repairs of First-Generation Apple Watches With Detached Back Covers

if have first-generation apple watch separated cover, apple or apple authorized service provider repair free of charge, according internal service policy obtained macrumors. ā€‹ apple watch separated cover via reddit user poorspanaway ā€‹ apple extended service policy's coverage period 3 years after original purchase date. if bought apple watch in april 2015, example, eligible free repair until april 2018. quote apple has determined under conditions on apple watch (1st generation) devices cover may separate watch case. apple service eligible devices free of charge. apple authorize coverage 3 (3) years date of purchase. click expand... the service policy has been in effect since last year , applies first-generation apple watch, including sport, edition, , hermĆØs models, if device's limited one-year warranty or extended applecare coverage has elapsed. affected customers can call apple store , sche...

Ipad Mini 2 +Ipad 2 Air

the 2 ipads have mentioned above,can run ios 11. please respond   the answer yes.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Verizon switch back and forth phones

hi-- have wonderful $$$ 7 plus, , given functional beaten-up se. use 7plus of timeā€”but swap account little phone perhaps 1 day week. example, going out on weekend night donā€™t care if phone gets stolen or damaged etc.) swap in morning. lets once week. has done this? work without hassle?   i dont think you'll have problems. switch sims , forth. both use same iphone data plan should ok.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

[WIP] Fedora 25 Server on Powermac G5

so first day of challenge has been fruitfull one. inspired thread amiga ppc guys , decided give try , succeeded after 9 hours of trial , error. first state installed fedora 25 server on g5 , have no idea how dual-boot. second not ssh system typed instructions in manually whilst reading them screen. third procedure not faint-hearted , nothing explode have dedicate time complete it. procedure followed : some things upfront had differently. the author had non-working dvd , mine works burned cd-iso , booted cd. got fedora 25 server netinstall iso dutch mirror here : as installer starts (graphical screen language choice) , press ctrl+alt+fn+f2 , you have command-shell , type : modprobe i2c-powermac press ctrl+alt+fn+f6 to return graphical installation s...

Upgrade options on my 2015 5k Imac

hi guys wondering options have upgrading i7 imac 2015 4.0ghz. have 500gb ssd/ flash installed wish had pushed 1tb (can add ssd or upgrade current) @ time. upgraded ram 32gb aswell. use logic pro x, , after effects , illustrator etc. have many options improve performance further? worth Ā£?   ram: start activity monitor , @ memory pressure. hit close memory limits when working? otherwise there's little point in upgrading. storage: start activity monitor , @ data read/sec , data written/sec values. in likelihood getting ssd connected via usb3 or thunderbolt give enough performance, without risks involved in opening computer replace system drive. note not give additional performance, mitigate disk space issue.   Forums Macs Desktops ...

iPhone 7 phone call issues related to Continuity

we have 2 unlocked iphones 7's have given nothing issues on phone side since got them. on sprint & although sprint has it's issues, have had way more problems these phones others used prior (iphone 5s, iphone 6, iphone se). main issue when answer call, other person can't hear you. have hello twice when answering calls, first 1 never heard. hear second hello, not. after months of playing around settings, etc. found culprit: continuity feature allows me answer calls on other apple devices. once turned off, works perfectly. i'm wondering if else has had issue? if so, have figured out way resolve can use continuity? it's hard tell if sprint issue or apple issue, i'm if talk sprint, they'll it's apple & if talk apple they'll it's sprint. since i've not had problem on other iphone, , issue on both 7's, i'm it's issue phones themselves, i'm pretty sure replacing them won't f...

USB 3.0 RAID Enclosure Recommendation

i got deal on 10 x 180gb ssd hard drives , setup kind of external raid enclosure. ideally usb 3.0 , hooking either mac mini or 13" macbook pro (or possibly windows 10 desktop pc nam not on one). won't house critical data more of fast storage dumping ground things virtual machines mess around or dvd or cd rips, etc. since not "critical" data have on it, don't want invest money it. i'd love 1 enclosure have 8 or 10 drive bays not opposed getting 2 enclosures 4 or 5 each. have , recommendations on enclosure? in advance suggestions.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

5400rpm HDD in 2017??

i updates latest wwdc. imac pro looks cool despite being extremely overpriced , not user upgradeable (from can tell). why oh why apple still using 5400rpm hdd in imac?? no other mac comes traditional hdd. they're ssd far faster traditional hdd. obvious reason apple wants users pay more ssd shouldn't cost more per gb standard hdd. upgrade imac 512gb ssd $480 (canadian). that's lot of coin. under impression apple supposed "progressive" , leave legacy stuff behind.   i agree 5400rpm drives need die asap. they've been biggest bottleneck in mac since 2012. fusion drive standard, paltry 24gb ssd partition, make world of difference perceived real world performance on mac mini or mac. it's worth considering these ssds far cry sandisk ssd can pick amazon. they're extremely quick more 5 times read/write speeds , considerably more expensive traditional hdds, let alo...

Want to sell iPhoneSE64GB but which iPhone to buy next?

i have had iphone se 64gb on year. have liked lot, phone can put in pocket. i've been heavy user of iphone , battery lasts me considerably less day. find annoying least. nothing worse being out in city , having phone no battery. aware of portable batteries , charging on go these aren't practical. know can resale price @ moment mine in perfect condition i've had in case , accessories untouched in box. in addition have unused applecare should boost price more. know don't want 6s or 7 or plus version of either. don't style of phones. know cameras best on premium models can live without these. few months go wait out new iphone in september/october i'll less current iphone , expect expensive 32gb entry we'll charged @ least Ā£100 128gb. think obscene phone nearing grand , on principle might refuse. i'm tempted 128gb iphone se. model , been great past year or so. never take selfies ff camera isn't concern. tend use...

iMac + rMBP vs external monitor with rMBP

i have had similar setup past 10 years, using 15" macbook pro. current system maxed out mid-2014 15" rmbp. i've come realisation on past few months system doesn't fit needs anymore. find myself spending more time seated @ desk have in past. use system professionally - lawyer not "heavy" user - , find myself having quite few word documents open @ once, quite few finder documents open, various other applications. biggest issue @ present inability have several word documents open side-by-side work , difficulty in having repeatedly switch between these. it's quite cumbersome. feel either 27" imac or external monitor setup solve issue. potentially puts me off imac wondering how macs interact 1 - i.e. how icloud document/desktop sharing work? seamless? if go external monitor setup have factor in magic keyboard/mouse. if go route of external monitor need high quality high ppi. sit , @ screen 50+ hours per week , i'm ...

iPhone 5s logicboard in an iPhone 5c casing

hello, want replace logic board of blue iphone 5c 1 iphone 5s. why? because of plastic of 5c agrees more me in connection better 64 bit processor provides touch id , new ios 11 (which drop 32bit iphones). possible , have modify in order fits in casing?   no.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Bluetooth Audio problems - Beats X + Mac OS

so bought pair of beats x week ago, great, setup easy. today both of macs have decided don't when connect them (no problems iphone) when connect macbook pro, headphones default using sco codec sounds pretty close unlistenable. (figure attached) whats happening changing sound input beatsx seems sending beatsx "headset mode", new occurrence today , happening on both macbook , macbook pro. can fix audio quality manually selecting internal microphone input device, changes audio codec aac , things sounds good. if disconnect beats x , reconnect defaults using beat x input device , audio sounds absolutely terrible. looks have manually open sound settings , change input device internal mic or these new earbuds sounds garbage. ideas? entirely new, , wasn't problem until today, affecting 2 macs, both running 10.12.4 few older threads online suggested following terminal command: sudo killall coreaudiod not resolve problem way trigger i...

A Security/Data Integrity/Current Threats SubForum

i work lot of new mac users , basic security topic many new mac users want know about, whether protecting data through backups, threats of malware/scareware, or discussions why macs relatively robust when comes withstanding security threats windows user may have aware of. many of people have purchased macs told respective sellers along lines of "macs don't viruses", , surprised learn partially not true. have subforum discuss this? apologize if , failed locate it.   basic questions suitable in mac basics forum . if you're looking more tutorial or "here's comprehensive library of new users , beginners ought know", well, that's not how forums structured. they're more oriented towards "ask question" or "discuss topic" reference library. that's not can't find useful tutorial or reference material, structure isn't set w...

Cracked my Apple Watch - No longer waterproof?

hey guys if apple watch has crack in display (it's small in corner bezel don't want pay repair) mean water can in , ruin it?   my guess yea pretty lose water resistance.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS Drops to Lowest Share of China Smartphone Market in Nearly Three Years

apple's ios has dropped lowest share of smartphone market in urban china since july 2014, according new data collected , shared kantar worldpanel . today's report details smartphone shares around world 3 months ending in february 2017. in total, devices running ios dropped 8.9 percentage points same year-ago quarter, receding 22.1 percent of china market 13.2 percent. apple rival android remains dominant force in china @ 86.4 percent of smartphone market in country, growing 9.3 percentage points year-over-year. although iphone 7 , iphone 7 plus remained top selling devices in china, apple has trouble competing local vendors -- like oppo , vivo -- produce cheaper smartphones @ massive rate far easier obtain chinese consumer. ā€‹ quote "in three-month period ending february 2017, ios accounted 13.2% of smartphone sales in urban china, decline of 8.9 percentage points 22.1% year earlier. marks ios...

AT&T iPhone policy?

hi, mom not have data plan on phone, if preorders iphone x , decides not use it, can give phone else? non data plan tied data plan because of iphone purchased? thanks.   99% sure phone require a data plan. like, why pay $1k phone , not use data?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Carrier Verizon unlimited plan and line access charge

i signed verizon 2 days ago, went 5g plan , day later called in switch unlimited plan. noticed charge $20 line access charge month non-unlimited plans, waive if u sign unlimited plan. true? initial bill show $20 access fee since did sign 5g plan initially, next month bill don't have after switched unlimited. want clear selecting vz unlimited price see price pay, no hidden bs fees.   kevjen888 said: ā†‘ i signed verizon 2 days ago, went 5g plan , day later called in switch unlimited plan. noticed charge $20 line access charge month non-unlimited plans, waive if u sign unlimited plan. true? initial bill show $20 access fee since did sign 5g plan initially, next month bill don't have after switched unlimited. want clear selecting vz unlimited price see price pay, no hidden bs fees. click expand... just looked @ verizon bill. iā€™m on unlim...

Convert APFS to FAT without losing data?

i converted external media hdd drive while ago apfs. messing around , backed in other places. converted hfs apfs in seconds du , didn't lose data. can go apfs fat without losing it? need stuff off on windows machine.   do have other (empty) drives laying around? way can connect both same mac , transfer between them. way transfer on network. i'm not sure can format fat/fat32 apfs without formatting though.   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can I use my External HD in Boot Camp?

my boot camp partition 100 gb because mb pro 500gb. temporarily place large game onto external drive can free space new one. have 2 external hd's, 1 being 500 gb , other 1tb. right have 1tb 1 plugged in doesn't seem show in boot camp. it's not made-for-mac hd, it's i've never used on windows. 1tb 1 drive use backing mbp, yet has 200gb of free space. there simple way use files boot camp?   windows can't natively read hfs formatted hard drives. how hard drive formatted before started using it?   Forums Macs Windows, Linux & Others on the Mac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wirele...