iOS Drops to Lowest Share of China Smartphone Market in Nearly Three Years


apple's ios has dropped lowest share of smartphone market in urban china since july 2014, according new data collected , shared kantar worldpanel. today's report details smartphone shares around world 3 months ending in february 2017. in total, devices running ios dropped 8.9 percentage points same year-ago quarter, receding 22.1 percent of china market 13.2 percent.

apple rival android remains dominant force in china @ 86.4 percent of smartphone market in country, growing 9.3 percentage points year-over-year. although iphone 7 , iphone 7 plus remained top selling devices in china, apple has trouble competing local vendors -- like oppo , vivo -- produce cheaper smartphones @ massive rate far easier obtain chinese consumer.

not has changed either ios or android in united states since kantar's last report, although latter os has continued see decline in market share throughout december, january, , february. android has dropped 3 percentage points when compared same year-ago quarter, accounting 55.9 percent of u.s. smartphone market, while ios has grown 3.7 percentage points year-over-year take 42 percent of market in u.s.

in china, iphone 7 , iphone 7 plus remained top-selling smartphones in u.s., devices have been since kantar's report on 3 months ending november 2016. kantar's analysts cited hope google pixel "might soften drop in android sales" happen annually around every iphone launch -- , dropped more dramatically last year because of note7 -- pixel doesn't appear have picked slack android market in u.s.

in terms of overall growth, ios saw biggest percentage point increase in quarter happen in great britain, growing 4.5 percentage points year-over-year. in of europe's big 5 markets -- great britain, germany, france, italy, , spain -- apple has done boost sales of ios devices, france housing biggest growth apple operating system over holidays. outliers still remain, spain's 1.7 percentage point dip in today's report.

kantar's report looked forward rest of 2017, admitting 3 months ending in february "challenging time" report on due awkward middle ground proximity between holiday season last year, , upcoming announcements @ events wwdc in summer.
apple ceo tim cook has remained vocal in optimism company's presence -- , future -- in china, mentioning in earnings call last year that, "we may not have wind @ our backs once did, it's more stable common view of it." more recently, cook went more detail apple's china plans, stating that, "we're not who's here access market," , company intends bolster presence in country through providing jobs , improving people's standard of living.

article link: ios drops lowest share of china smartphone market in 3 years

time try out india tim

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