
Showing posts from April, 2012

Will iPhone 7 sim work on iPhone X

well phone 77 card work on iphone x?   yes   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone 8(+) Any iPhone 8 Plus owners now feel regret not getting the x?

man do. specs same ? me feel getting plus on x.   knockoutjosie said: ↑ man do. specs same ? me feel getting plus on x. click expand... why feel regret? iphone 8 model chose different reasons , has touch id. internally, iphone x iphone 8 similar.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can my imac g5 boot even with dead capacitors?

i picked thing free. ithe worked fine after installed os, later on in noticed capacitor had been torn off, , 4 bulging. safe go on this?   attached files: 1508892331786-594735651.jpg file size: 1.5 mb views: 58 you can keep using it, stop booting or become unstable. i'd recommend replacing caps.   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

13" Ultimate MBP with 3.5 cpu

does know actual intel number on this, when on site, use own 4 digit number , not clock speed reference?   the cpu in 2017 3.5 ghz mbp core i7 "7567u"   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone X pre orders to be delayed?

by looks of things apple delay iphone x pre orders?   no.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone x color choice (mid-Oct checkin)

so, iphone x pre-order 2 weeks away, wanted see color buying, mid-oct checkin.   option c, whichever color can me fastest.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone X and the risks of going case-less

i'm considering going without case , want some feedback others planning on doing , perceived risks involved in going case-less. when had iphone 4/4s (both black , white) never used case. i'm careful iphones , never once damaged them. when 6 came out, protruding camera , slippy aluminum convinced me case. tend place phone on table surface i'm sitting @ , worried camera lens become scratched because seems more vulnerable flush lens of older iphones. don't need iphone flawless, major scratches annoy me , want make sure camera lens never damaged. we've got new iphone that's gone more grippy glass still retaining protruding camera. i've got questions: -have used iphone 6-8 without cases? if so, how has camera lens held up? -for iphone x, think silver or space grey hold better without case?   i’ve had every iphone since 3g (minus 6s), , ever had case 6. darned slippery,

iOS 11.0.1 update does not download

this first time happens me. trying install latest ios 11 update, 11.0.1, going usual route, settings -> general -> software update , clicking "download , install" button. give password requested , ... nothing. no download update. after trying on many hours, letting ipad alone see if start downloading after time, rebooting , switching wireless networks (checked work properly), still nothing. ipad mini 4 running ios 11.0.   ok, used itunes in mbp. there managed download , apply update. took long time reboot, 3-4 minutes, ended well. still don't understand why direct updating failed download software.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & S

LTE Signal Strength Not Showing in Watch Face?

i (finally) got at&t activate aw 3. i'm using explore watch face pictured in attachment. however, lte signal strength not show on watch. doing wrong or misinterpreting watch face pictured?   only shows when away phone or wifi. when cellular switched on.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

S2->S3 First Impressions

i picked aluminum s2 last week when went on sale because didn't want lte watch , liked idea of sapphire back. first aw , wasn't impressed. liked seemed little slow me. guess i'm used iphone 7 being nice , snappy. decided place order s3 , compare two. if seemed similar i'd keep s2 , return s3. first thing noticed setup. didn't time because assumed take hour or 2 s2 did. didn't. done in maybe ten or fifteen minutes. i'm not sure if it's because loading backup instead of setting new. load backup take less time? next ui speed. noticeably faster. on s2 when swipe watch faces seemed lag , take few swipes move next face. s3 super fast , smooth. opening app instantaneous. watch experience expecting. returning s2. i'm disappointed went composite wont scratched in 2 or 3 years plan on keeping this.   man, bought nike series 2, coming original aw sllloooooowwww. might

Video Player Controls Haven’t Changed.

did miss during beta phase, new video control changes shown @ wwdc, not reversed? looking forward using them when installed ios 11 hour ago.   can let know changes were, screenshot? seems different apps have different playback controls, let know if have seen these changes in of apps use.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 11 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Smartphone pricing: The point of diminishing returns

the vast majority of phone users text, phone, surf , take odd picture or selfie , perhaps listen music in age of + $1000 phones, there point of diminishing returns , it? point spending form on function? example; apple se point. functioning smartphone $400 of apple's bells , whistles. yes it's smaller screen that's it. android i'm not sure, s6 still me. phones out there minimum of fuss , $$$$$? best value money found compromising main functions , specs? last year's android flagship?   i switched getting mid-range phone instead of flagship phone year. got galaxy a5 2017 think $350 when new. i've been happy battery life (which think better sized flagship phones), speed, screen quality , stability. thing tempt me splash out on flagship again if wanted top-quality camera in phone. might in future, don't need @ moment. in case, camera on a5 no means terrible. su

Do moderators actually moderate or just bots?

there post on thread clear , obvious violation of rules. reported post , keep getting alert saying no moderation action taken. if moderators don't see fit remove post forum have hard time believing there true moderation here @ all.   link please.   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Do you feel the iPhone Edition will be Revolutionary?

with rumors far? think more surprising iphone 4 when first introduced.   does need be?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iphone 8 ( Shine Look )

take money ( love ) shine edge edge   looks it's dipped in caramel - apt 1 underneath.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How do I enable iCloud photo library without downloading everything?

it's annoying, want upload everything, don't want download everything. want able download 1 one iphone, reason downloads lot. don't understand why cannot delete photos locally, keep them in icloud.... misses whole point of having cloud storage if still have keep them hogging own storage.   photos app - preferences - icloud tab - optimize mac storage instead of download originals. mac download full size originals needed, keep thumbnails. don’t know it’s process deciding when remove originals again, will.   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Experimenting With Several Augmented Reality Glasses Prototypes

apple working on "several different kinds" of wearable augmented reality prototypes tries figure out "most compelling application" ar headset, reports financial times . citing sources knowledge of apple's plans, financial times says @ least 1 group within apple pushing pair of glasses feature 3d camera no screens, making iphone main display, similar snap's spectacles, no final design decisions have been made. ​ snap's camera-equipped screen-free spectacles​ rumors of apple's work on ar smart glasses first surfaced in 2016, , previous rumors have suggested glasses connect wirelessly iphone, apple watch, , display "images , other information wearer." while robert scoble suggested apple launch smart glasses year through partnership carl zeiss , rumors (like today's) suggest apple still in prototyping phase , launch still a ways off . earlier year, financial times said apple " steppin

High Sierra not remembering settings after reboot

anyone notice this? i'm on 2017 macbook pro 15" tb , high sierra forget settings. forget apple pay cards, brightness settings , startup apps. re-enable guest account time time. tested on fresh install time machine backup , using both pb2 , dp3.   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Photos "Edit With" doesn't support RAW

unless i'm missing something, in photos when try edit raw photo in third-party app, photoshop, right-clicking on photo , selecting "edit with...", opens jpeg version of file in third-party app. bummer. hoping open , edit raw photos in photoshop raw converter. if brought photos jpeg.   abiggs78 said: ↑ unless i'm missing something, in photos when try edit raw photo in third-party app, photoshop, right-clicking on photo , selecting "edit with...", opens jpeg version of file in third-party app. bummer. hoping open , edit raw photos in photoshop raw converter. if brought photos jpeg. click expand... i believe functionality in 10.12 right now. frustrating doesn't hand off/ receive raw file , more frustrating hasn't been implemented in 10.13.   Forums


hi guys, can tell me why apple still sell computer 5400rpm in 2017? on base model. 2005 hp pavilion tower has 7200rpm. 2005.   you know why, want hear it. profit margins. not ideal real-world performance drive pretty biggest bottleneck computer. flash drives perform extremely you'll machine providing bto.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

No watchOS 4 beta 3 today... WHY?!?!?

so... since didn't beta 3 today when people think released??? hope tomorrow or wednesdayy   i need beta 3 desperately. watch rendered useless beta 2 - there laaaaag.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Deleted files from external hard drive, removed drive, can't empty trash.

i'll try make short. 1) mounted usb hard drive friend. transferred couple of small files, , while doing so, said "can delete directory on hard drive free space", did. 2) files deleted went trash. didn't empty it. 3) took hard drive , left. 4) went empty trash, , gets file 179,000 or , hangs. don't have , cannot hard drive plug in while deleting trash. want delete no issues without hard drive being present, hangs. how empty trash? appreciated.   that doesn't sound right, , wonder whether it's red herring. have tried rebooting?   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod i

California signs deal with China to combat climate change

and way supposed be. no doubt trump lose little mind has on it, it's within bounds of constitution states take matters own hands when federal government fails act in best interests. while agreement non-binding (boooo!) step in right direction. since california 1 worlds biggest economies stand gain it, , take place on world stage. quote california gov. jerry brown (d) signed agreement work china lower greenhouse gas emissions tuesday, days after president trump pulled united states out of international climate change agreement. agreement, though nonbinding, aims expand cooperation between china , california on renewable energy, zero-emission vehicles , low-carbon urban development, brown’s office said. establish joint working group of chinese , californian officials come ways work together, , invest in programs cut carbon emissions. bro

iPhone 6 repair

hi guys, bought severely damaged iphone 6 from gumtree in australia (a service akin craigslist) hobby project to diagnose , repair. can recommend software use identify hardware faults? thanks.   diagnostic software iphone not commonly out public use. apple keeps software away public.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

North Korean Missile Worked Says US Officials

so do? link quote two u.s. defense officials confirm north korea's launch of kn-17 missile last sunday successful , missile's re-entry vehicle did re-enter atmosphere. re-entry controlled , vehicle did not burn up, officials said. click expand...   i dunno. how go nk , blow kims' palace? i'm sure that'll go on swell.   Forums Mac Community Politics, Religion, Social Issues iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Anyone purchase a refurb 2016 MBP from Apple yet?

i'm considering purchasing refurb 2016 13" tb mbp apple, little hesitant have never purchased refurbished before. show signs of wear/use?   buy buy buy. apple refurbs best. apple goes through , fixes wrong. happens on products returned due costumer changing mind. in many cases refurbs better new products. also, sometimes, may receive better laptop 1 ordered,   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

would apple upgrade the air

just wondering   nobody can certainty. hope so, or @ least, pricing reduce. they're still fabulous machines , more capable brilliant consumer laptop.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

MBP mid 2012 click doesn't work after sleep and plugged in

i have macbook pro mid 2012 non retina 13", whenever after close or when charge mbp, touchpad click ( not tap ) won't work till click few times, idea ? im new here, if chance posted in wrong sub forum, kindly lemme know,   bump   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Weird noise, is it a fan?

hi guys, can click on , let me know if noise 21.5" mid 2011 imac fan thing or more sinister. in advance.   first loud bash 2 seconds or end part of noise? sounds fan. hard drives have more of clicking noise. hard drive ever been replaced? if heat sensor kit used?   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

P2715Q Monitor with MBP 16

hey folks 1 using dell p2715q monitor 2016 mbp? interested in buying , know whether can 4k output monitor. documentation says yes, not sure port need use on monitor , cable needed. please   i not have monitor, use displayport if can. usb-c displayport cable , set. got mine amazon , cablematters cable. looks not available anymore. 1 looks good: edit: in case comes in stock, have following cable: works fine. have 1 3 foot , 1 6 foot cable dual monitor hookup.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Softwar

iPad usage time too high...

did ios 11 change way calculate usage time? i've had ipad pro 10.5 short time now, , i've noticed usage time almost same standby time. example, @ moment says: usage 17 hr, 12 min standby 18 hr, 56 min i'm pretty sure haven't been on every waking minute since yesterday when unplugged it, , slept more hour , half. looking @ list of apps , battery usage, pretty same apps had old ipad, , never had happen it.   click on clock icon show detailed time info , inspect results.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 11 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLif

Preorder iPhone X from AT&T directly, anyone else?!

i bit worried, starters, fell asleep trying stay preorder , did not wake until 4am. check apple store app , @ 4-5 weeks shipping time, figured, heck, let me check at&t , try , preorder them. well, got preorder in them (paid in full) @ 4:31am, , got confirmation email saying delivery on 11/03 launch day! true? or think email later week saying order delayed?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Battery drain while sleeping

the battery of 2017 tbmbp went 27% 15% while sitting closed on desk, apps closed, during 10 hours out of house today. know many people have experienced battery drain while sleeping, , have tried disabling or tweaking in terminal, had not had problem, , had not tried special tricks. high sierra issue? or happens when laptop reaches 4 month mark? or? thanks.   normal. draining more depend on over background running. try fresh restart , leave sleep minimum draining.   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

replace SuperDrive by SSD

hi guys! own macbook pro 13”, mid 2012 i’d replace optical drive 1tb ssd , keep old hdd. want make sure have ssd connected right port in order out of ssd speed. here system information says sata slots: first slot connected hdd: vendor: intel product: 7 series chipset link speed: 6 gigabit negotiated link speed: 3 gigabit physical interconnect: sata description: ahci version 1.30 supported second slot connected optical drive: vendor: intel product: 7 series chipset link speed: 6 gigabit negotiated link speed: 1.5 gigabit physical interconnect: sata description: ahci version 1.30 supported make sure right: mbp features 2 identical chipsets link speed of 6gb each. thus, won’t make difference port i’ll connect ssd , i’ll sata iii speed anyway? (i’m asking because read it’s favourable move old hdd slot used optical drive , connect ssd slot connected hdd - procedure cause work i’d avoid) add on question: kind of case need put supe

Simple pure css or simple Javascript/Jquery slideshow ?

i looking have div images scroll left right inside div. div set full width of screen, whatever is. either absolute position left 0 right 0, or width 100%. have found pure css version seems super elegant widths fixed values @ 800px. have idea of how use (see link below) 100% width div or example of code possible ? i'd slide animation looks images scroll left right when change rather instantly changing. css, javascript or query fine in order of preference.   whitedragon101 said: ↑ i looking have div images scroll left right inside div. div set full width of screen, whatever is. either absolute position left 0 right 0, or width 100%. have found pure css version seems super elegant widths fixed values @ 800px. have idea of how use (see link below) 100% width div or example of code

Saving Notes Scan to Photos?

can't see option available.   zombierunner said: ↑ can't see option available. click expand... scanned documents appear saved pdf files. atleast format used when sharing mail or saving files app. here few options may work you. firstly can download free app such ‘pdf image’. when long press on scanned document , press share > copy pdf image instantly save file image in photos app. each page of pdf saved seperate image. have no previous experience app other downloading , testing out now. seems work well. here app store link: otherwise can use “take photo” option in notes app instead or take screenshot of scanned docoument when in fullscreen. alternatively use third party document scanner app allows save directly photos app. hope helps. let me know how go.  

more of my cockups...

besides not getting tube, have prob dark backgrounds... please old fool stupid greg   greg fripp said: ↑ besides not getting tube, have prob dark backgrounds... please old fool stupid greg click expand... can post screenshot? more details?   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Has there been any news about iphone x simfree version?

this year tough me there many options. know if there news?   not @ launch. maybe in 1 or 2 or more months. in short supply might longer in past. (already discussed, poor dead horse)   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless


it sounds crazy, can literally remember first time saw ios close up. had android smart phone @ time, , housemate showed me text on iphone 3g. didn't mean to, so struck how beautiful ios had blurt, "wow, it's thing of beauty". lost on him. "is it?", replied. when got iphone of own (4s) became avid convert. thing unbelievably flawless in every way. joy use. made me happy . perfect in ways *i* noticed. suppose in small way loved idea wasn't alone; there other people out there see finer details, too. piece of technology put me, , experience using it, first. saw every detail, , loved it. small smoothness of screen orientation rotation sublime. had taken time make sure flawless, , noticed. os rock solid, smooth in did. made odd little limitations had (like not being able remove newsstand home screen, , being unable scroll , down web pages). didn't mind, because beautiful. became evangelical. telling buy iphone. bought techn

MAPS - Set Destination Along Route?

is there maps app let search , set destination (or multiple destinations) along route? there lot of construction in area , i’ve been using maps more usual around mess. know specific addess of want go, more want place in route end location. enjoy native iphone maps app if there way within native maps app great. example: start: work destination along route: target destinatiton along route: walmart destination along route: book store destination along route: pet store end: home   google maps   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

High Sierra Green screen Mac Mini 2012 i7

hi strange thing when watch netflix or youtube , put video in fullscreen , whole video green/red layer... , when move mouse goes away.. problem had gm version. , seems finder buggy, blank screen in finder. al clean install.   yep, new in high sierra. same - 2012 mac mini - intel hd 4000 graphics. appears in full screen safari. searches did there similar problems html5 hardware acceleration firefox (they able correct removing module did hardware acceleration). now, don't want hardware acceleration disabled. reported bug apple. wonder if roll video driver sierra version if won't fix it. going give whirl.   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple W

Can anyone recommend a good affordable 4K hdr tv?

finallly taking plunge baby! what’s buy? checked best buy , vizio has deals. brand?   ghost31 said: ↑ finallly taking plunge baby! what’s buy? checked best buy , vizio has deals. brand? click expand... purchased samsung's 4k/hdr quantum dot top of line tv last year, , been happy it. here's can share regarding have heard vizio. when looked @ vizio initially, thought price point decent receive in return. , saw 4k tv mounted on wall @ best buy, store representative came me , started shaking head. , said third tv going out on them in under month vizio (the dislay fading black) . best buy representative, thought knowledgeable, stated vizio used 1 of top-of-the-line manufactures 3 4 years ago, , stated vizio changed chip set manufactures in displays, produced cheap quality results afrecting longevity of tv's. whatever tv decide, make sure r

macOS High Sierra Automatically Performs Security Check on EFI Firmware Each Week

mac users upgrade macos high sierra benefit significant new security feature works in background. ​ macos high sierra automatically checks mac's efi firmware against apple's database of "known good" data ensure hasn't been tampered with, according series of tweets apple engineer. tweets have since been deleted, summary remains available on mac blog the eclectic light company . quote the new utility eficheck, located in /usr/libexec/firmwarecheckers/eficheck, runs automatically once week. checks mac's firmware against apple's database of known good. if passes, see nothing of this, if there discrepancies, invited send report apple. click expand... if check fails, prompt appear options "send apple" or "don't send." selection remembered in subsequent weeks. ​ "eficheck" tool sends binary data efi firmware, , preserves user privacy excluding data st

Bose Announces $250 'SoundSport Free' Wireless Headphones Launching in October

bose today announced first-ever pair of wireless in-ear headphones called " soundsport free ," go on sale in october $250. similar apple's airpods , other wireless headphones , soundsport free small buds place in ears without connecting wires, , charge through included case while you're on-the-go (via cnet ). ​ bose's wireless headphones more sport- , activity-focused, silicone stayhear+ sport tips ensure comfortable fit during intense activities, ipx4 water resistance rating (apple's airpods not rated water resistance, although many users have noted resilience through activities coat them in sweat or water). bose connect ios app include new "find buds" feature, displaying last known location , time of use in order rediscover lost headphones. in terms of battery life, bose said soundsport free last 5 hours on 1 charge, , charging/carrying case can fuel headphones additional ten hours of battery. five-hour b

Cnet's review of the AW3

cnet has review out more positive the verge's review still battery many of predicted take major hit lte quote the bad battery life takes major hit when making calls or during gps workouts. 42mm cellular model expensive, , that’s before monthly wireless service , apple music fees. still requires iphone set , pair with. click expand... i'm still unsure if i'll cancel order, lte has offer, @ cost?   i'm still keen try out myself. don't expect make heavy use of lte. in fact, in part because of how slow s0 , in part because of how awkward interactions on watch ui find don't use s0 - provide me extremely convenient , don't want live without it. expect of lte model modestly extends convenience. yesterday example out normal lunch run , returned desk find wife had been trying contact

Saving storage. Archive to H.264 or ProRes 422 Proxy

hi, don't have means archive finished fcpx projects @ full quality prores 422, these personal home projects, nothing serious in sense. exporting @ prores 422 file comes in @ 47gb lets in h.264 on 7gb , prores 422 proxy 14gb more manageable sizes. there reason why can't export final master exports of projects in h.264 or prores 422 proxy?? can't see particular difference in quality between 3 if i'm honest , won't using files in future edit or use in particular way, master copy me on. there advantages/disadvantages between these 2 formats? thanks!   h264 best situation. or can wait month or when fcpx updated export h265 osx 10.13.   Forums Special Interests Digital Video iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch

I can copy +2 GB files in Fat32 in Mac OS High Sierra

i in last beta of high sierra (golden master doesn't appears me download it), , until updated beta of high sierra can copy files have more 2 gb in fat32 external drives. sierra don't have bug, report apple but... silence. try install fuse or mounty, nothing.   attached files: bug.jpg file size: 216.3 kb views: 76 i discover solution, using commander 1 can copy +2 gb files. xtrafinder or total finder doesn't work.   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Profes

An app that block adds even in third party apps

hello ! years after years see there’s lot of apps there’s lot of adds , it’s horrible... know devs needs money wow... want know if use adblocker works in third party apps. used app before since last update, app doesn’t work anymore : adblock de « futuremind » thank in advance !   sounds security , privacy nightmare me   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 11 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone upgrade conundrum

hi all, have decision make regarding how proceed in terms of getting new iphone. have 6s , have no complaints honest, except battery abysmal. literally today 2pm had 15% left, , that's not using phone much. apple says battery fine , there's nothing can in terms of replacement (my applecare+ runs out in couple of weeks). i'm set need new phone. i'm realizing though iphone 7 me 8, there aren't many huge new features can think of make me want 8... other perhaps future proofing. crazy wanting 7 instead of 8? also, have ideas of how solve battery issue otherwise since apple won't help. feel make 6s last year if battery fixed. thanks!   i in same situation you. 6s battery abysmal though apple replaced battery brand new 1 less 1 year ago. iphone 8 performs same 7, , think people gravitate towards 7 , x. have no idea 8 for. seems totally redundant.  

Show off your watch after usage

thought idea people share photos of watches after months / years of usage see how holding up. series 0 apple watch i've had since launch day! let's see yours!   i'd post picture of gold aluminum aw s2 purchased year ago on launch day, looks same did new. aluminum finish quite durable, , screen seems rather scratch resistant (though i'm not sure i've tested that).   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless