iPhone upgrade conundrum

hi all,

have decision make regarding how proceed in terms of getting new iphone. have 6s , have no complaints honest, except battery abysmal. literally today 2pm had 15% left, , that's not using phone much. apple says battery fine , there's nothing can in terms of replacement (my applecare+ runs out in couple of weeks). i'm set need new phone. i'm realizing though iphone 7 me 8, there aren't many huge new features can think of make me want 8... other perhaps future proofing.

crazy wanting 7 instead of 8? also, have ideas of how solve battery issue otherwise since apple won't help. feel make 6s last year if battery fixed.


i in same situation you. 6s battery abysmal though apple replaced battery brand new 1 less 1 year ago. iphone 8 performs same 7, , think people gravitate towards 7 , x. have no idea 8 for. seems totally redundant.

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