What is _Russia_ looking to achieve by manipulating the election?

over last couple of days, information provided trump jr. meeting last year russian lawyer has set off sorts of talk collusion , "treason". don't think rises level, myself. however, there question going unasked here, , guys @ security have penned article describes perfectly: wasn't offer of dirt russians little bit convenient?


the media is, in large part, missing point when comes news donald trump jr.’s june 2016 meeting russian lawyer natalia vesilnitskaya , should steering instead raising right questions. difficult conceive of scenario in private citizen in russia has access derogatory information on u.s. presidential candidate. act of offering such information likely, @ minimum, trial balloon, , @ best (from moscow’s perspective), chance pass information agent of russian government trump campaign through candidate’s campaign manager , son, thereby implicating donald j. trump himself.
vesilnitskaya may have had own agenda in requesting meeting trump. part legitimate. russian intelligence practice co-opt such person arming them secret intelligence information , tasking them pass trump’s people , reaction.
based on know, interaction had hallmarks of overture russian intelligence campaign, , utterly damning trump jr. took meeting, brought in manafort , kushner meeting, , none of them reported events fbi nor u.s. authorities until recently.​


full article worth read.

edit: should have stated more before; security article got me wondering russian side of event. sure feels descending old spy vs spy days of cold war, , i'm wondering russians looking achieve here (and else may have attempted or attempting do). i've updated thread title ask question.

actually, that's free press has been saying. btw, we're no longer going refer them media or msm. free press guaranteed constitution.

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