(Need Help) Storage Full? J/K Not Really

hi all,

new member confusing problem.

have 64gb ipad air 2 running ios 10.3.3. (i won't upgrade 11 bit, want give time of bugs worked out.)

ipad has been giving me storage full message on regular basis. have deleted apps, photos, etc. have restarted countless times. have looked online , followed other recommendations.

when @ storage data, messages consuming app, @ 2.13 gb.

suffice say, have dumped bunch of data , content and, despite best efforts, ipad says still have 3.16gb of storage available , used 57.15gb.

when plug laptop, however, , check out memory devoted to, find have 41.34gb free (see screenshot).

why disparity? have free full 41.34gb?

thank help!

attached files:

i’ve never seen myself, had quick google, , few people seem have fixed going “itunes & app store” in settings app, , signing out , apple id.

apparently clears cached files.


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