Target's Mobile Website Gains Augmented Reality Feature for Previewing Furniture


launch of arkit, many app developers building augmented reality experiences app, target taking different approach , implementing augmented reality feature entire mobile website.

target's new "see in space" option designed let take photo of room in house , use augmented reality tools determine how piece of furniture match decor.


target isn't using arkit augmented reality implementation, there's no live photo viewing of furniture in room, target's decision adopt feature speaks how popular augmented reality becoming retailers.

popular furniture manufacturer ikea released arkit app previewing furniture in home, , similar apps available companies anthropologie, ashley furniture, wayfair, , more.

right now, target's augmented reality feature limited products part of project 62 line, limited number of furniture pieces , accessories supporting in-home viewing feature. target says augmented reality functionality expand hundreds more products end of year , thousands of products in 2018.

see in space available on website on smartphone, iphones included.

article link: target's mobile website gains augmented reality feature previewing furniture

ok in store apple pay great. come on target. readers have have nfc in them!

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