WiFi Calling added to 2012 Mac Pro 5,1?

i apologize in advance if has been discussed before, has convinced wifi calling supported carriers such verizon wireless work on mac pro 5,1 2012 model? assuming needs updated bluetooth 4.0 module continuity patch installed, wasn't sure on order. perhaps usb bluetooth 4.0 dongle work. has gotten work? searched , didn't located on it, , find convenient feature.

thank you.

edit: internal solution nice add 802.11ac , bluetooth 4.0 without dongle, receptive of options , experiences.

edit 2:just ran across thread:

for call redirect, don't need wifi (no bt 4.0 either). can lan connected (with no wifi card installed).

functions need bt 4.0, wifi ac, or cat handoff, not continuity.

cmp has wifi ac card now, used continuity function way before install card. 100% sure doesn't require wifi @ all. couldn't remember os was, may yosemite. , don't know if same logic still applicable on current os.

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