Hands-On With iOS 11's iPad Features: Dock, Drag and Drop, App Switcher and More


there's major focus on ipad in ios 11, apple introducing huge range of ipad-specific features offer improved multitasking experience, allowing ipad better serve full pc replacement. many of features included in ios 11 have topped wish lists of ipad owners years, including drag , drop, files app, persistent dock, , more.

ios 11 overhauls way ipad can used, can seen in our hands-on video covering ipad-specific features can expect see in update.

there's expanded dock on ipad, persistent , can pulled upwards swipe within app. dock makes switching between apps faster, , enables multitasking features on compatible devices.

opening dock while using app , dragging dock icon upwards pop new window, can pulled slide on or split view multitasking arrangement. using dock, can switch between split view apps in seconds.

accompanying dock new app switcher has design similar spaces on mac. shows of used apps, offers access control center settings, , preserves split view or slide on window arrangements.

drag , drop, 1 of desired ipad features, has been implemented in ios 11. drag , drop, text, links, photos, files, , more can transferred between apps simple drag gestures. drag , drop supports multitouch, can things pull link safari, bring dock, open messages, , send link friend. combined new files app, drag , drop makes incredibly easy manage files.

apple pencil support expanding in ios 11. apple pencil can used systemwide other stylus (or finger), , there new features have been designed apple pencil in mind, including instant markup, allows annotated, , inline drawing within mail , notes.

there's neat instant notes feature lets tap apple pencil on screen of ipad pro automatically open new note quick note taking purposes. of other features new in ios 11 available on ipad, check out our comprehensive ios 11 roundup complete overview of what's coming in update.

ios 11 limited developers @ current time, apple plans make public beta available in late june non-developers have chance test new ipad features @ time. we'll have more videos covering ios 11 features coming next week, make sure stay tuned macrumors.com.

article link: hands-on ios 11's ipad features: dock, drag , drop, app switcher , more

haters gonna hate (and did fare share), ipad starting possible laptop replacement. don't me wrong, we're talking macbook/air replacement, i'd never give pro type of tablet.

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