Guest On Fox News Attacks Boy With Autism - Calls Him a Snowflake

seriously wrong conservatives , fox news? attack 10 year old kid autism in political way wrong. , doesn't fox's credibility problem.

tammy bruce such wretched person , shame on tucker carlson allowing it.

original video friday:

today's response kid's mother on cnn:

great response mother. articulate , spoken on matter. complete opposite of horribly ignorant tammy bruce.

having lost senior leadership , veteran anchors scandals, think clean act now, little.

in end, i'm ok fox shooting on foot repeatedly. look, how see it. conservatives have children autism , special needs (e.g. sarah palin, prime example). when fox goes after these innocent people (families of autistic children) sake of making conservative point, little little little end losing of own (conservative, family values) fanbase.

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