Bricked my iMac?

in weird spot. after successful upgrade without hitches ran smoothly. until didn’t. ground halt, webpages wouldn’t load. activity monitor showed logs being written mile minute (some process writing log, reference corrupt system install).

bold version of system font showed question marks going on fonts. logged in clean profile , seemed fine. deleted offending log files , caches , logged in main account. same issues.

cleaned caches , reinstalled system, seeing had fixed same issue 3 years ago apple discussion thread found (i’ll find process / log file googled, symlinks).

came imac 2 hours later , found in shape, backing 21gb of data time capsule, had failed in previous install. ah, thought - must have missed backing , that’s why slow.

alas. stopped (skip backup - or pause really) went south. beach balls everywhere, web pages stopped loading. had force restart. fans blowing @ full speed, weird things happening getting login screen , going black loading bar stuck loader, yet operational cursor.

tried loading tricks, uncoupling external devices, verbose loading, recovery mode, got me , got me recovery mode. disk utility failed @ repairing main disk.

right installing fresh again. never experienced strange , unsettling in of 30 years of being mac user. hope install me working desktop @ least :/

else having problems this?
--- post merged, jun 6, 2017 ---
for record aware of risks of beta testing having run every beta going copland, risks of upgrading entire file systems. want see if fluke or widespread problem.

high sierra installed fine on macbook pro once logged in slow , wouldn't respond anything. tried reinstalling didn't work. nothing worked. i'm on sierra.

activity monitor showed memory pressure quite high (orange), , never changed. i've never experienced sierra or previous version. when i'm on sierra - installing updates, indexing, download icloud drive stuff, browsing web - it's green.


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