Hunting for Leopard Xcode Core Reference Documentation

i searching apple developer connection core reference library leopard docset. unlike xcode 2.5 on tiger, docs shipped xcode 3.1.4 on leopard partial skeleton , designed "fleshed out" pulling them down via rss apple's servers, these .atom feeds no longer valid.

scouring net, able locate snow leopard core reference docset , hugely comprehensive legacy reference tome (with dev articles dating system 7 circa 1994), apple appear have expunged traces of leopard powerpc developer docs. snow leopard docs still usable, not integrated xcode expected version be.

drilling xcode 3.1.4 (leopard) partial docs info reveals leopard's core ref docset linked feed at:

using wayback machine, able locate old link had docset in .xar format at:
(length: 290685981 bytes)

file i'm looking for. alas, old link dead end.

wondering if did personal backup of these docs before apple pulled them? if had hit "subscribe" button in xcode when feed available (around 2011?) docs should at:


installed partial (incomplete) docset 421.7mb, if file closer gigabyte should complete set.

in advance.


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