PowerBook - 2 finger tap right click

on alluminium 15" pbook i've used ctrl click act right mouse secondary button, thought try 2-finger tap method , went syst pref/trackpad menu set up. although trackpad gestures showed two-fingers scroll, there no option 2-finger tackpad tap secondary click.
on pbook5.4 (a1095) 1.33ghz (2004-5) model leopard 10.5.8. reading number of different posts including this one 2007, installed iscroll2.032 had no effect.
thought double check on alluminium 15" pbook, pb5.8 (a1138) 1.67ghz (2005-6 model) os x 10.5.8, , surprised see option in trackpad setup menu 'tap trackpad using 2 fingers secondary click'. on selecting option, trackpad secondary click functional.
can 1 conclude iscroll app incompatible, , therefore no way activate 2 finger tap right click on these earlier (2004-5) pbooks?

pre-2005 15" powerbooks have adb connected trackpad, includes 5,4. last 2 revisions have more advanced usb connected trackpad.

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