Stainless vs Aluminum - Why buy SS?

i bought ss version of aw3 while wife got aluminum. we've never had apple watches before wanted try them both.
i've been wearing ss aw3 5 days , tried on wife's aluminum first time.
wow, wearing nothing air. ss version extremely heavy compared the aluminum.

started research differences between two. read screen brightnesss different so, live in fl have plenty of sun, took them both outside , there noticeable difference. ion-x glass brighter.

wondering main drivers people buying ss version?
  • sapphire glass stronger? put screen protector on ion-x invisible. watch manufacturers use sapphire glass because watches suppose last 5, 10 years. aw3 obsolete in 1-2 years. ion-x glass more shatter resistant sapphire.
  • weight - ss version twice heavy - it's night , day when trying them on - crazy.
  • cost - ss $240 more
am missing big? ss shiny while aluminum matte? i'd prefer matte, gloss looks girly in opinion different. thought there bigger differences justified price increase, should have done more research.
however, still within 2 week return window.

buy ss? that's question? values things differently you? have opinions , things make decision 1 way or other you. good. enjoy it. happy in have. no need start whole thread on buy ss? if whoever dumb, according personal value system. there plenty have. apple sells lot of them. doesn't make them shade dumber you. please.

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