Restarted the phone, ended up restoring

with every major ios update, i've read people complaining , describing serious problems after updating. fortunately, every ios update has been smooth me… until ios 11 iphone 6s plus.

first moment after updating, performance pretty bad (unresponsive phone few seconds , wide variety of bugs , glitches). didn't worry much, device background processing after major update (reindexing, photo processing, etc.). after leaving device charging , connected wi-fi night (different timezone here), found still worked terribly , had decided delete photos (they're in icloud photo library, nothing lost). decided restart phone, , huge mistake. got stuck on apple logo screen , after while forced restore using itunes. thing had backup before updating.

after losing few hours in process of restoring (which meant restoring apple watch, etc. — not great way of starting morning), iphone 6s plus still working disappointingly slow. mean, it's usable, it's working worse before updating. worse expected, considering it's x.0 version. i'm afraid of restarting phone.

i've been using ios since ios 4 , don't remember version worked worse me, considering update x.0 versions.

i've been reading, ios 11 working great other people, 6s or older, guess it's bad luck. i'll upgrading 8 plus friday, solve problems. until then, , first time, i'm disappointed update.

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