Kuo: If Face ID is 'Well Received,' It's Likely 2018 iPhones Will Fully Adopt TrueDepth Camera


kgi securities analyst ming-chi kuo afternoon published new research note investors speculates apple might in future iphones regarding touch id , face id. investors, many of us, curious whether apple plans eliminate touch id in favor of face id, embrace dual biometric solution, or swap touch id once viable under display solution available.

kuo believes apple's future plans hinge on whether or not face id received public.

should face id received consumers purchase iphone x, kuo believes there's higher likelihood 2018 iphone models adopt truedepth camera , support face id.

should apple choose return touch id either dual biometric solution or face id replacement should face id not fare well, kuo believes forthcoming touch id option built under iphone's display. 3d touch, though, make challenging apple develop under-display solution.
if face id indeed go on consumers , makes way additional ios devices in 2018, kuo believes apple's android competitors make effort speed facial recognition development, boosting manufacturers supply facial recognition components.

face id in hands of consumers november, following launch of iphone x. face id new biometric system, there have been lot of questions , doubts privacy, security, , functionality, apple's craig federighi has attempted alleviate uncertainty with series of interviews.

in recent discussion daring fireball's john gruber, federighi said once face id in hands of consumers, of uncertainty "melt away." feature "just works," says. "you don't have think it."

article link: kuo: if face id 'well received,' it's 2018 iphones adopt truedepth camera

i forward it, it's got prove me year.

i'm used touch id; works case.

don't see apple going touch id.

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