following release of macos high sierra, mac users have discovered apple no longer listing previous operating system updates in user's purchased tab in mac app store.
neither macos sierra nor macos high sierra show in purchased list, suggesting updates no longer tied apple id account. previous mac software updates linked apple id account , updating required apple id , password, hassle when mac changed ownership.
apple support document on reinstalling apps confirms change remove macos sierra , high sierra purchased tab intentional.
"macos sierra or later doesn't appear in purchased tab," reads document.
in case of macos sierra, change means there's no way mac users download macos sierra should want downgrade high sierra reason.
os x el capitan, os x yosemite, os x mavericks, , earlier updates tied user account , listed in mac app store. apple has made link os x el capitan update available through support document, no similar support document available macos sierra.
article link: macos sierra , later not listed in mac app store purchased tab, updates not tied apple id
well, sucks. downgraded computer morning due software not working correctly.
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