Boot Camp Win 10 works but not picked up by Boot Camp assistant

not sure caused problem, i've had windows 10 installed via bootcamp while no issue. installed high sierra , still works fine. noticed high sierra broke vmware fusion figure try version 10 when released yesterday. installed , won't recognize boot camp partition.

ran boot camp assistant , get: startup disk cannot partitioned or restored single partition

disk utility shows:
mac partition
windows 10
disk0s4 (greyed) - 475 mb

here diskutil list:
/dev/disk0 (internal):    #:                       type name                    size       identifier    0:      guid_partition_scheme                         1.0 tb     disk0    1:                        efi efi                     314.6 mb   disk0s1    2:                 apple_apfs container disk1         934.0 gb   disk0s2    3:       microsoft basic data windows 10              65.8 gb    disk0s3    4:           windows recovery                         475.0 mb   disk0s4  /dev/disk1 (synthesized):    #:                       type name                    size       identifier    0:      apfs container scheme -                      +934.0 gb   disk1                                  physical store disk0s2    1:                apfs volume macintosh hd            520.6 gb   disk1s1    2:                apfs volume preboot                 22.2 mb    disk1s2    3:                apfs volume recovery                520.0 mb   disk1s3    4:                apfs volume vm                      1.1 gb     disk1s4
googled issue , found info on i'm still not quite sure do. seems disk0s4 windows 10 recovery partition don't think deleting help.

specs macbook pro 15" late 2016, 1 tb ssd.

remove partitions windows , install him scratch

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