Apple Watch White Screen of Death?

so alarm went off morning , looked @ watch , found white screen kinda what’s on new flashlight feature in watch os 4. able turn off alarm button press, white screen remained. when tried dismiss white screen, found not going away. tried reboot, , nothing. so, randomly, while sleeping, new series 3 apple watch stuck on white screen only. when went bed last night normal. can renter passcode , here clicks, , siri respond, can’t see white , thin line on screen. heck , has seen before? applecare best bet i’m assuming or can myself it?

edit: attached image, diagonal black lines in screen showing reason in picture don’t see them in real life.

attached files:

have tried force restarting it? hold both side button , digital crown @ least 10 seconds, release both buttons when see apple logo (assuming ever see apple logo...).

that'd first step see if it's weird software bug , if can restart. otherwise, if won't restart, may try leaving off charger long enough drains battery , shuts down, can put not charger , wait see if restarts (may take several minutes after putting on charger before has enough power start again itself).

, if fails or still has white screen, guess calling apple best bet. i've had replace apple watch once , did using online support chat system (as don't have apple store nearby). sent me out box send watch , in couple of weeks received new watch.

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