iPhone A lot of problems after updating iPhone 7 to iOS 11


have updated iphone 7 (model mn8g2) ios 11.0.2 (before update running 10.3.3)

restored firmware via itunes. after installing new ios (i didn't restore backup , os clean) opening application homescreen (anything, safari , setting) takes 10-15 seconds launch!!! however, if run them in siri suggested apss, open immediately!!!!!!!!!!!

after opening seem work normally! re-opening them(even pressing home button , re-open app) same :(

problem is, everywhere when change toggle (for example turning wifi on or off, turning icloud on or off, , green toggle in setting or third party apps) take 20 seconds react!!!!!!:mad:

also, in action center take lot of time executed!!!!!!

did not have of these problems in ios10.

phone useless!!! worst update have ever seen!!!!

there can do?

update: problem solved in ios 11.0.3 update

this shouldn't happening. setup new again. maybe settings app?

also, has screen ever been replaced?

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