Modem used in the iPhone X?

just reading on differing modems within iphone 7's & wondering if continue x.

1 article suspects x may have qualcomm models, resulting in faster top end speeds...

it's impossible know until see first teardowns of iphone x, here's suspicion. apple trying diversify modem suppliers, using qualcomm modems in of iphone 7's , intel modems in others. case iphone 8, but, likely, 1 of suppliers gets in iphone x (my guess: qualcomm).

have nice upside consumers. partly because of messy legal war between apple , qualcomm, apple throttles performance of qualcomm modems have parity slower intel modems, , iphone 7 owners same performance. if iphone x has qualcomm modems, mean no throttling , faster modem performance apple's top-of-the-line iphone.

i'm hoping compromise isn't made x having supposedly slower intel modems used, price we're being asked pay.

qualcomm me!

they split them depending on carrier think. tho have qualcomm modems networks aren’t ready gblte won’t matter year when gblte should rolled out many more places bet put them in next years phones..

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