Colour of iPhone X vs iPhone 8 (Hands On Pictures)


found these hands-on pictures show difference between colour options of iphone 8 , x quite well:

can of course see chromed bezel of x vs matte brushed bezel of 8.
white glass seems different? lighting, odd both iphone 8 in background , 8plus in foreground identical x in center seems more silver/more reflective?

there similar comparison shots black version?
looked in existing threads bezel , online, find pictures of space grey x or 8 on own, not next above pic.
i've seen 8 live in stores , wasn't huge fan of how matte bezel seamlessly blends grey-ish back.
pics show space grey 8 , x side side, prefereably back?

as i'm looking forward x, after seeing 8 i'm not big fan of either colour options compared old models (space grey instead of black, darker bezel).

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