I need to import the photos that I took and edited on my iPhone but all I see are AAE files


imported bunch of photos iphone mac using image capture. half of photos supposed originals shot. other half supposed edits made camera+ , saved camera roll.

after imported photos found out originals in mac folder, aside bunch of "aae" files. researched little bit , discovered after ios 8, if import photos mac i'll see original files only. have deal aae files contain edits , changes.

obvious question is, how heck supposed apply changes aae files see edited versions of photos? because i've read implies way of accessing files importing them mac airdrop (really?), mailing photos myself (f*cking really?) or applying python script on mac (oh god...).

f*ck apple thinking when implemented annoying system? doing wrong? want see edited photos took iphone!!! :'(


i found this…


try downloading (through web browser) icloud. dropbox mentioned, 1 one thing unless first time turn on camera upload dropbox app.

maybe google photos?

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