MacBook Pro 2017 Battery Life

i know there several threads on this, no 2 threads alike.

bought kaby lake 13" macbook pro touchbar. have past 5 years used 2012 macbook air.

air on 1000 charge cycles wildly out performs macbook pro on battery life. web browsing lucky 3.5 hours on simple browsing or 2.5 hours when accessing aggregator sites (momondo , kayak) reason drain battery faster. old air (which has battery service warning) double this.

2.5 hours unacceptable me. , when using things photoshop falls further!

read teardown said non-touchbar pro had larger battery, didn't have specs. can advise if non-touchbar pro has better battery life? , battery correlate other people? used coconut battery , battery healthy.

non touch bar has better battery life - larger battery, no touch bar, 1 less fan, , cpu lower voltage (same processors macbook air has used, while touch bar models use pro style).

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