Cash, Mobile Payment, or Credit Card as Your Main Payment Method?

what type of payment method preferred way pay things in person? please note bold text. poll type of payment method use if options available @ given time? if took apple pay/android pay/etc, use or still using cash or credit card? why?
--- post merged, jun 12, 2017 ---
i prefer cash followed apple pay. reasoning has less convenience , sending less money big banks , more retailers, small ones. if i'm buying small business or i'm eating @ restaurant, use cash. transaction fees processing, while not large, substantial enough felt smaller retailers.

actually reasoning flawed. cash costs businesses more handle cc transaction fees.

  • armored car service
  • employee theft , mistakes
  • extra security , accounting procedures
  • increased insurance rates
  • increased chance of armed robbery
  • deposit mistakes , discrepancies
  • increased man hour cost involved handling cash
  • bank fess change orders (you have able give change)

these few of obvious reasons businesses don't handling cash.

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