Ipad 10.5 resolution

i have read rumored new ipad 10.5 may have same resolution current 12.9 ipad pro. mean apps need updated accommodate new resolution? if so, hope mean these updated apps improve 12.9 experience well, has been neglected since lesss popular. tired of using facebook , other apps giant text , old keyboard style, share sheet, etc. thoughts?

correct. it's expected 10.5 have same 2732x2048 resolution 12.9, difference being it'll have higher ppi , smaller touch targets (identical mini).

it's interesting, ipad apps blown on 12.9 pretty bad. wonder if on 10.5 when they're blown wont bad, because of physical screen being closer in size 9.7, , because of higher ppi. if case, wonder if developers push update apps pro full screen resolution.

interesting here, when app in full screen similar in size (well bit bigger) original ipad screen, yet when goes multitasking app size of full screen ipad mini, touch targets drop in size (similar 12.9 showing split screen app in near identical size 9.7" ipad).

anyway, it's speculation. wonder if they'll make more changes ios , encourage more dynamic app ui sizes (not of exists).

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