My trip to San Francisco / Silicon Valley

hey everyone. wanted take moment , share guys. past weekend able check major bucket list item off list. girlfriend , had great opportunity of being able visit san francisco california , cupertino/silicon valley in matter of 3 days.

started out in san francisco on friday. hotel stayed @ within walking distance of union square, apple store. of course that’s first place went. arrived enough witness beginnings of iphone 8 launch day. , nuts! people everywhere , press coverage too.


after touring store , union square location did typical tourist stuff in san francisco. took in great food, walked through chinatown, went out fisherman‘s wharf, , rode cable car. fun stuff!

next morning (saturday) grabbed breakfast local french bakery. instead of eating there decided drive north see golden gate bridge. view while eating our french pastries.


after time make our way palo alto. wanted go apple store there. being 1 of stores frequented steve jobs , other apple executives jony ive. had plan. see, instead of pre-ordering new iphone 8+, decided wanted buy new phone store steve jobs had spent time at.


after getting phone , walking around downtown palo alto couple of hours. time make our way steve’s house. first picture took new iphone.


it’s hard describe felt being near home , standing within few feet of lived , died. calming, exciting, breathtaking , overwhelming. standing in same place had read had me in awe.

after leaving there decided trip wouldn’t complete without visiting garage began. off los altos went.


after seeing garage time make way 1 infinite loop. , spectacular place!


of course had buy merchandise @ newly renovated apple store on site. :)

, last not least, trip wouldn’t have been complete without getting in close proximity apple park.


next morning (sunday) girlfriend , took couple of wine tours in mountains above silicon valley. views of valley , mountains breath taking while sipped awesome wine. @ how huge apple park is!


trip i’ll never forget!
reading , checking out.

amazing city, great photos!

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