Tim Cook Travels to Sweden to Visit Local Apple Office and Discuss Augmented Reality [Updated]


after first traveling around france earlier in week , meeting french president emmanuel macron, heading oxford university in united kingdom opening of oxford foundry, apple ceo tim cook has traveled stockholm, sweden today. after 9 a.m. local time, cook spotted getting out of black, unmarked mercedes in stockholm.

cook on kungsgatan, street in central stockholm apple's office located within city, , eyewitness speaking breakit [google translate] said ceo traveled "a whole entourage" building, "rushed out" few hours later. cook making usual rounds other apple locations, including potentially checking on progress of apple's upcoming flagship store in kungsträdgården, park located near apple's offices in city.

photos tt , jon wahlqvist, via breakit

cook stopped discuss augmented reality feber [google translate], explained first few apps using arkit comparable opening of app store in 2008. though first wave of apps might not wow everyone, cook said iphone users not able "imagine life without" augmented reality. cook has made similar ar-related comments years now, , week sat down the independent , vogue discuss topic more in-depth.
interview further discusses how ar can "enhance" human experiences , day-to-day life without replacing anything, how technology needs coexist apple's initiatives in artificial intelligence space. cook continued championing students learning code: "i think goes school should learn how code, not think should computer engineer. think knowledge know what's possible important, whether you're fashion designer or journalist or whatever is."

update: tim cook has visited iggesund paperboard, manufacturer of high quality virgin fiber paperboard , apple's partner in sustainable packaging.

article link: tim cook travels sweden visit local apple office , discuss augmented reality [updated]

tim on hunt. have feeling a prerequisite bigger.

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