iOS 11 Photo Sharing Buggy

after updating iphone 6 ios 11 , having returned trip want share 500 photos (including 4 videos). pretty straightforward.

select 500 photos, click arrow , create new photostream...

ios 10: spinning connection wheel turns indicating internet conection , stream created after minute or , can share it.

ios 11: phone gets hot , app crashes after 40 seconds, other app open, if access activity monitor on ios probs tell me 100% cpu or something.

(i have reset phone , tried again -> same story)


i've had quite few issues photos in ios 11. photos disappearing, rearranging, etc. don't have icloud photo library turned on know it's not issue that. ios 11 overall not refined imo...yet. hear small update coming tomorrow , fix of these issues, i'm sure won't addressed couple months.

being said, may want downgrade ios 10.3.3 before apple stops signing it. can upgrade ios 11 once it's more stable.

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