Thoughts on wireless drive or NAS? ...

i've been thinking how nice have large drive in house, allow several of machines in our house backup timemachine or similar. our mac mini backed external usb drive via timemachine. mbp goes timemachine small usb external drive sometime remember plug in.

guys use nas use on wifi?

looking @ these.

if had more capacity:
corsair voyager air 1tb wireless mobile storage ethernet (nas), ios , android

or these? though latter gets bit pricey.

wd 4tb cloud personal network attached storage - nas - wdbctl0040hwt-nesn

wd 4tb cloud ex2 ultra network attached storage - nas - wdbvbz0040jch-nesn

other thoughts? in advance,

if going use wifi, make sure 5g best performance. 2g limits 100 mbps or so.

fwiw, use readynas backup systems, , store movies, photo, , other files. has 6 drive bays, , raid 10 can around 16 tb of space.

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